International Congress "Bee and Human: Russia and Friendly Countries"

International Congress "Bee and Human: Russia and Partner Countries".

Date: February 28-March 2, 2025.

Venue: Moscow

Colleagues, we will be glad to see you at the annual congress "Bee and Human"! This year we are expanding the format of the event. The congress will bring together representatives from more than 20 countries.
Within the framework of the business program, participants will discuss current problems of beekeeping, disease control and the development of beekeeping in a sustainable development environment.


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10 комментарев о “Международный конгресс «Пчела и человек: Россия и дружественные страны»

  • 25.12.2024 at 22:30

    Hello its Hilal Sarieddine iam beekeeper from Lebanon i like to be ithe congress bee and human Russia-brics-partner countries

  • 26.12.2024 at 14:07

    I want to participate in the conference

  • 26.12.2024 at 21:16

    Dear Organizing Committee,

    I am writing to you about my registration for the International Congress "Bee and Man 2025". I registered on the congress website.

    Unfortunately, I have not yet received an official invitation to participate in the congress. I need such an invitation to apply for a visa to Russia.

    Please provide me with information about the next steps I need to take to confirm my registration and participation in the congress.

    I would be very grateful if you can confirm receipt of my registration and send me an official invitation as soon as possible.

    With respect,

  • 27.12.2024 at 01:47

    Я ливийский пчеловод

  • 27.12.2024 at 10:57

    Я из Туниса и член арабского союза пчеловодов.

  • 27.12.2024 at 21:15

    Я пчеловод из Ливии

  • 28.12.2024 at 20:04

    Я из Египта и являюсь членом Союза пчеловодов. Я хочу присоединиться к конференции

  • 29.12.2024 at 23:09

    Мир вам, я зарегистрировался по ссылке и не получил ответа.

  • 30.12.2024 at 02:55

    Я участник из Ливии и председатель совета директоров Ассоциации пчеловодов Аль-Файд в муниципалитете Токра, Бенгази. Я хотел бы принять участие в этой конференции, и я выражаю вам всю мою признательность и уважение за эти усилия.

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