International Scientific and practical conference on the problems of beekeeping "Bee and man" on March 11-12, 2019.
List of speakers:
Welcome words.
Chupakhina Olga Kuzminichna
President of the Union "Beekeeping", Director of JSC "Agrobioprom", Senior Researcher of FSBSI "VNIIVSGE", Candidate of Economic Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Lebedev Oleg Aleksandrovich
Deputy of the State Duma, member of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Nature Management and Ecology
Durygina Nadezhda Sergeevna
Deputy Director of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Breeding of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
Afanasyev Valery Ivanovich
Member of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management
Kulikov Ivan Mikhailovich
Director of the All-Russian Breeding and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery Production, Moscow, Russia
Scientific reports:
Beekeeping events in Romania in 2019
Christian Constantinescu (Cristian Constantinescu)
Vice-President of Apislavia, Romania
Beekeeping in Slovakia
Chlebo Robert
General Secretary of Apislavia, Associate Professor, Engineer of the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, Slovakia
Effective means of controlling varroatosis in Slovakia
Anastasia Chernak
директор компании A&C Solutions s.r.o , Словакия
State and prospects of development of beekeeping in Bulgaria and prospects of development of the European honey market
Stefan Marinov (Stefan Marinov)
Chairman of the Bulgarian Beekeepers ' Union, President of Ambrosia, Bulgaria
Problems of modern beekeeping in the Russian Federation
Brandorf Anna Zinovievna
Deputy Director for Communications of FSBSI FANC
Северо-Востока, научный руководитель «Селекционного центра (ассоциа- ции) по среднерусской породе пчел медоносных,
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Kirov, Russia
A cost-effective apiary. Agricultural tours as a way to increase sales and expand the customer base
Konovalov Pavel Pavlovich
Member of the National Union of Beekeepers of Kazakhstan, Director of the Company "100% fresh honey"
Interaction of bee and human biofields during sessions
uletherapy services
Yumasheva Zoya Aleksandrovna
Surgeon, psychologist Online Community "Bee and We",
Voronezh, Russia
Research of new environmentally friendly means and methods of combating widespread bee diseases
Bespalova Tamara Sergeevna
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Agrobioprom JSC, Moscow, Russia
Honey-bearing plants of the Cabbage family: varieties and features of cultivation
Bohan Alexander Ivanovich
Leading Researcher of the Center for Plant Gene Pool and Bioresources, VSTISP, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Comparative micromorphology and ash composition of pollen from different ecological and geographical zones
Motyleva Svetlana Mikhailovna
Leading Researcher of the Center for Plant Gene Pool and Bioresources of the All-Russian Breeding and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery Production, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Central Russian bee. Vladimir beehives sunbed in Central Russia and the North. Available methods of bee keeping for amateur and business apiaries on plots of 6 or more acres
Yakimov Andrey Vasilyevich
IP GKFH Yakimov A.V., Vladimir region, Sudogodsky district, Russia
Factors affecting queen bee reproduction
Ivoylova Maria Mikhailovna
Научный сотрудник лаборатории пчеловодства, к.б.н.
FSBSI FANC of the North-East, Kirov, Russia
Signs of viral diseases of honey bees in the Krasnodar territory
Moreva Larisa Yakovlevna
Professor of Kuban State University, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Krasnodar, Russia
Wash yourself Anna Anatolyevna
Teacher of Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia
Quality features of Azerbaijani honey
Sultanov Rauf Lutveli oglu
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Baku, Azerbaijan
Substitutes for carbohydrate and protein feeds in the bee diet
Bilash Natalia Grigorievna
Leading Researcher, Candidate of Biological Sciences.
Federal Research Center of Beekeeping, Rybnoye, Russia
Problems of preserving the genetic resources of honeybees
Alexey Nikolaevich Gulov
Research Associate of the Federal Research Center of Beekeeping,
Rybnoye, Russia
Problems that arise when bees die from toxic chemicals and pesticides
Plekhanov Valery Stepanovich
Chairman of the Society of Beekeepers of Zaraisky District, Moscow Region, Russia
Guaranteed cure of alcoholism with parchment
Lipatov Vladimir Pavlovich
Kostroma region, Verkhnik village, Russia
Economic efficiency of bee production in the Middle Volga region, on the example of the Chuvash Republic
Kirillov Nikolay Makarovich
Chuvash Republic, Russia
Nutritional basics in apitherapy
Filippov Ivan Nikolaevich
Ophthalmologist-nutritionist, apitherapist, Ulyanovsk, Russia
Стационарное безроевое экопчеловодство как основа для возрождения продовольственной и экономической значимости пчеловодства
Muratov Vladimir Ivanovich
Beekeeper, Moscow, Russia
The New Ark project. Concept of development of Guest apiaries"
Von Gradov Svyatoslav Anatolyevich
Head of Pr Corporation "Apistar, Moscow region, Russia
Reasons hindering the development of beekeeping
Dzyubenko Valery Petrovich
Beekeeper, Republic of Mari-El, Medvedevsky district, Russia
Hyssop officinalis. Honey plant of the second half of summer
Filatov Sergey Vasilyevich
Postgraduate student of BelSU National Research University, Belgorod, Russia
Технология безрасплодного содержания пчелиных семей в период медосбора
Milenin Mikhail Ivanovich
Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russia
Detection of Varroa mites in brood by sotoscopy for subsequent destruction
Bagrov Alexander Viktorovich
Amateur Beekeeper, Moscow, Russia
Two-frame bee packages
Gorlovsky Alexey Sergeevich
Beekeeper, Ulyanovsk region, Russia
Attractiveness of protein substitutes in the bee diet when adding attractants
Zharinov Pavel Sergeevich
Research Associate of the Federal Research Center of Beekeeping,
Kolchaeva Irina Nikolaevna
Junior Researcher, Federal Research Center of Beekeeping, Rybnoye, Russia
Influence of the temperature factor on the formation of hydroxymethylfurfural in honey
Serebryakova Oksana Vladimirovna
Junior Researcher of the Federal Research Center of Beekeeping,
Rybnoye, Russia
Innovative ways to use bee products
Khairullin Khammyat Khalilovich
researcher, amateur beekeeper
Nemchinovka Research Center, Novoivanovskoye work settlement, Moscow Region, Russia
Diagnostics of bee diseases, spring diagnostics in the apiary
Shushenachev Andrey Gennadyevich
Chairman of the Association of Beekeepers of Belarus "Bee and Honey", Mogilev, Belarus
On the implementation of the decisions of the November Congress of Beekeepers by the VOHRC
Kapunin Valery Pavlovich
Chairman of the VOHRC, Moscow, Russia
State and prospects of rational use of Central Russian Orlovsky bees
Grankin Nikolay Nikolaevich
Professor of the Department of Zoology, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
Turgenev Orel State University, Orel, Russia
Problems of reproduction and introduction of Central Russian bee colonies with low aggressiveness of workers
Bakina Svetlana Nikolaevna
Assistant of the Department of Zoology, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Turgenev Orel State University, Orel, Russia
Wax productivity of Central Russian bees and breeding opportunities to increase it
Fomina Ekaterina Andreevna
Post-graduate Student, Department of Zoology, Turgenev Orel State University, Orel, Russia
Determination of the quality and safety of honey on meringue CNMVL
Shubina Elena Gennadyevna
Chemical Engineer, Candidate of Chemical Sciences
TSNMVL Federal State Budgetary Institution, Moscow, Russia
How to implement a technological breakthrough in beekeeping in the Russian Federation
Volyntsevich Evgeny Frantsevich
Ph. D. in Economics, Professor, Moscow, Russia
Honey program. Selling honey using Internet technologies
Dryuchin Evgeny Vladimirovich
Online Community "Bee and We", Voronezh, Russia
Features of beekeeping in areas with a long cloudless period
Palagin Ivan Dmitrievich
Amateur beekeeper, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia
Ishemgulov Amir Minniakhmetovich
Preparation for the 47th International Congress Apimondia-2021
General Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Bashkir Research Center for Apiculture and Apitherapy, Ufa, Russia